Welcome to our collection of printables and planners to help you organize your money, simplify your life, and achieve values-based financial freedom!
Whether you're looking for yourself or a gift for someone else, all printables are expert-designed to be functional as well as beautiful.
Best of all, you don't have to wait for shipping! You can print all of our products right from your own home, saving you time, shipping costs, and lessening our carbon footprint.
You're Never Alone
We know how hard it is to start, that's why we're right by your side.
You're not here by chance, you're here for a reason!
If you set your mind on financial freedom and stay focused you'll be unstoppable!

What our customers are saying...

Hey! We're Jen & Jill.
We're passionate about helping people overcome consumerism and materialism to discover a life that aligns with their values.
We don't think learning frugality and simple living should be expensive so we've created affordable workbooks and challenges to help you learn and grow.
We're so glad you're here and we hope you'll come back again and again!